Sunday, 13 December 2009

More gloves

The gloves I've knitted for the craft fayres proved so popular that I don't have enough for my Christmas presents! Yesterday I had to buy more Rowan felted tweed and started knitting...

Saturday, 12 December 2009


I've been tagged by Camoun! I must tell you 7 things that you don't know about me unveil by my guy!
J'ai été taggée par Camoun ! Je dois vous révéler 7 choses que vous ne savez pas sur moi mais dévoilées par mon mec ! (Désolée pour les accents, je ne connais pas tous les raccourcis clavier)

So, here is the list / Voila donc la liste:
  1. She grinds her teeth during the night / Elle grince des dents la nuit
  2. She has a piggy at home / Elle a un cochon a la maison
  3. She loves food/ Elle est super gourmande
  4. She likes old american TV series / Elle aime bien les vieilles séries americaines
  5. She writes as she speaks / Elle écrit comme elle parle
  6. She doesn't spend a lot of money on clothes / Elle ne se ruine pas en fringues
  7. She hates noise from the neighbours / Elle déteste le bruit des voisins
It is your turn to play / A vous de jouer .....

Tuesday, 8 December 2009


I am in a socks knitting mood at the moment.
Last month I made this pair:

Although there are loads of free socks patterns on internet and Ravelry in particular, I love books so I bought this one last week. I received it yesterday and I am going to use one of the pattern (and the next pair of socks will probably be the one on the cover).

I am using my basic toe-up pattern and will be knitting some fancy legs.

I am using Socrates SuperSock merino from Violet Green. It is a very soft wool, a pleasure to knit with and my feet can't wait to wear them ;o)

Wednesday, 2 December 2009


Yesterday I took my lantern home!
I bought it a while ago as a candle lantern but I wanted to turn it into a proper lamp so it needed wiring. So after I made some stained glass panels to replace the plain clear glass ones I had to wait a little for it to be ready.
The wait was worth it, it looks great and I love it :o)