Sunday 5 June 2011


I've taken a new hobby: gardening. My new pad has a balcony so I've decided to have a few edible plants. I've got loads of orchids and they are dead easy to maintain (just need to water them once a week) but tomatoes are much more demanding! I've planted them at the end of march and left them behind my south facing window. I've dispatched them in various location now that I've moved. 4 are in the kitchen, 2 on the balcony and 2 on the landing. They all have flowers and the ones in the kitchen have started producing fruits. I have 5 little green tomatoes so far and much more to come :)

I also have some alpine strawberries:

In July I am going to plant a pumpkin as well. I am dreaming of having a huge one on my balcony :o) I'll report on that later....


MINI MUM said...

C'est vert, c'est frais !!
et ensuite rouge tomate, rouge fraise !!!
et miam miam !!!

Bonne récolte !!

CamounJazz said...

Humm, ça y est, je suis jalouse, je veux un appartement avec balcon moi aussi !!!

Du temps où j'avais un jardin, je n'y plantais que des tomates et des courges de toutes sortes.... les courges parce que ça pousse plus ou moins tout seul et les tomates parce que j'adore l'odeur de leurs feuilles... et c'est tellement agréable de profiter de bonnes tomates bien goûteuses !!!
Le fraises, ce sont leurs fleurs qui me font craquer !!