Sunday 13 January 2008


Yesterday, the knitting group in Newburgh was very quiet. Only, Diane, Andrea, Allyson, Cony and I. The wheather was gorgeous so Louise and Jane went skiing.

A lot of yarn was on sale and I couldn't resist ... My wool stash is growing bigger, the flat isn't, unfortunately, and this will become an issue....

Plans are to knit a sleeveless jacket (for myself) with the cream yarn, a hat with the brown and purple cashmerino for my friend in Vietnam (they are coming back to Belgium this autumn so they will need warm clothing), ask my great aunt to knit me another pair of socks with the lana grossa wool, and whatever with the colinette (it was half price and too nice to let somebody else get it !!!). I also gt 2 pairs of rosewood knitting needles.

Today, I didn't touch a knitting needle yet and it is 20h00, can you believe it ?
I've made card instead.
On Wednesday, I am going to London, to see "le cirque du soleil" at the Royal Albert Hall and on Thursday I will wander around (weather permitted) while Stephane will be sitting his translation exam.

1 comment:

phuong said...

STOP! Je peux voir a quoi va ressembler mon bonnet (ou chapeau?) en cashmerino (ca sonne bien)??